Hi there! I am so glad you’re here! I’m Leah and welcome to my vegan kitchen!
Here’s a bit about me and my vegan journey.
I was raised in sunny Southern California by a pretty cool vegetarian mom. She went vegetarian in the 80’s so by the time I came along in the mid 90’s, she had a good foundation to her diet. So in our home, there were always delicious vegetarian meal cooking at all times. She is an amazing cook! And so is most of my family. It’s a tiny little family but I was surrounded by passionate foodies!
While I grew up in a vegetarian household, I was still always given a choice. She never pushed veganism on to me. She was honest with the fact that if I wanted to eat meat, she was ok with it but she just didn’t know how to cook it anymore and no one wanted to end up in the Emergency Room with food poisoning! LOL!
But with that choice she always gave me, I knew in my heart that I believed in this diet not only just being a diet but a lifestyle. Because at the end of the day, I wasn’t vegetarian as a kid just because my mom was or because I was “health conscious” but because I truly believed in not eating animals. Simple as that!
So at 22, I went from vegetarian to full vegan because I wanted to do everything I could to help animals. Which is exactly why I am here today, writing to you. Like my mom, I am not here to push my beliefs down your throat. I don’t believe in doing that. I am here to share beautiful, delicious and nutritious meals with you. YOU who is either already vegan or vegetarian and is looking for new variety in your diet. YOU who follows a different diet than I do and is looking to incorporate just one meatless meal. YOU who is curious about veganism and the impact that you could have on animals and the environment. YOU who is just looking to incorporate more whole foods and less processed food into your diet. I am here writing to all of YOU and I am so so glad that you’re here with me.